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Curriculum Intent for Computing

At Scargill, we believe that every child should be prepared for an ever changing world based around technology. It is our aim to provide all children with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively, respectfully and safely in a positive way. We want the children to be able to use technology to be able to support their lives and education as well as having the skills to remain safe when being online.  

We want the children to be curious by new technology whilst having the skills to adapt their prior knowledge to these new pieces of hardware and software. Furthermore, we want children, from reception to Y6, to be able to use vocabulary confidently when discussing and using these pieces of hardware and software. We want the children to be independent in their use of technology by the end of KS2 and have the confidence to be able to use technology to effectively.    

In addition, we want to provide opportunities for the children to use their computing knowledge, skills and vocabulary in different areas across the curriculum which will further embed their learning from reception to Y6. 

Curriculum Impact for Computing

Children have a great interest in learning Computing skills as well as learning about technology developments. Through the teaching, children are developing an understanding of why learning these Computing skills are important and will support them with their future lives in education and beyond. 

Computing will not only develop the children’s academic skills it will assist them in developing their problem solving, communication and team working. This will be shown through their open-ended activities, discussions about tasks using appropriate vocabulary and collaborating on ideas.

Curriculum Implementation for Computing

Primarily, we will deliver the Computing Curriculum through the use of Purple Mash. All lessons taught should match with the Curriculum Computing Overview which will link to the National Curriculum for Computing. Each year group, from Y1 to Y6, have a different amount of units to cover across the year but these are based around the strands of Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. In addition to these units, all year groups will cover a series of lessons based on Online Safety. Online Safety will also be referred to regularly and children will be constantly reminded of these lessons. Online Safety will be delivered through the use of Project Evolve. Year groups (from reception to Y6) will cover additional Online Safety learning if they require it based around different topics (see the Online Safety policy for more information). All units need to include a combination of plugged and unplugged lessons. All unit plans/termly overviews need to be written following the school performa even if the Purple Mash Unit is being followed. All Class Teachers are required to make suitable adaptations to the planning to ensure that all learners are able to access the lessons at their year group level. All planning needs to be saved in the relevant year group folders. 

Each lesson needs to begin with a RRR (Revisit, Remember and Respond) which will be mainly based around a verbal discussion. Within each lesson, the objective needs to be shared with the children. The vocabulary needed in the lesson also needs to be shared and discussed (this can be located on the whole school overview). Children need to be able to internalise the vocabulary and to support the children in doing this, they should be strongly encouraged to create their own definitions. Class Teachers need to regularly refer to the vocabulary within the lesson and ensure all children are able to use the vocabulary and identify how it is linked to their learning.

Children will also be taught a set of non-negotiable skills in each year group. These are skills that children need to know to be able to access the curriculum confidently for example opening a document, searching for software, uploading documents onto a cloud. These skills maybe taught discretely, however, teaching them during Computing lessons is highly recommended. These skills should then be recapped and revisited as often as required until all children are confident with them.

During the Computing Lesson there should be regular opportunities for self and peer assessment.

Computing in Reception
Computing in Reception is taught through providing opportunities for children to become aware of what technology looks like within their classrooms and homes as well as providing children the opportunity to use age appropriate software and hardware. Most of this teaching and learning is achieved through continuous provision. However, Online Safety is taught within reception discretely. 
Pupil voice comments: 
"I like coding because it is fun to code using different apps" Year six pupil. 
"I like how our computing learning can be used in different subjects" Year four pupil.